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Dodatni opis

Vertical support for one column of Systembox


Steel vertical support for Systembox. Suitable to fix the Systembox to a wall or a board. The inclination of the support keeps the depth of the column fixed when increasing the number of the Systemboxes. With fixing holes.

  • version for 1 column of Systembox
  • screws not included



Vertical support for 4 columns of Systembox



Steel vertical support for Systembox. Suitable to fix the Systembox to a wall or a board. The inclination of the support keeps the depth of the column fixed when increasing the number o fthe Systemboxes. With fixing holes.

  • version for 4 columns of Systembox
  • screws not included


 Wall lower support




Lower steel wall support suitable to increase the stability of the Systembox column.


Screws not included.




 Upper plastic for Systembox




 Upper plastic to fill the gap between 2 Systemboxes in cascade configuration.




Frontal plastic for Systembox



Frontal plastic closing the last Systembox. Colored cardboards can be inserted.



Cardboard for upper and frontal plastics




Precut cardboard can be used with any kind of printers. 
The fine punching is a prerequisite for the accurate cutting out of the cardboard inserts.

Reference marks allow a fast layout and print with almost all merchantable software.

LeanProducts developed a software dedicated to the creationprinting and managing the kanban cards that can be downloaded from the Download section.


Frontal and upper version for Systembox



 Systembox adapter



Systembox adapter. Allows the usage of small Kanbans limitating the depth of the container with 5mm steps tuning. The size of the Kanaban can vary from DIN format A7 (74 x 105 mm) to1/3 DIN (100 x 210 mm).



 Interdiction symbol


Plastic upper closure of the visible part between two Systembox cascadeAllows the insertion of the interdiction symbol thattogether with the lateral edge of the plastic, folded on the backblocks the insertion of the Kanban inside the Systembox.



 Systembox plastic – flag

Systembox flag plastic. Permits the insertion of the cardboards. 

The particular form is suitable to identify the content of the Systembox when used in compact version.


 Screw fixing kit for 1 column vertical support


Fixing screw Kit  (for aluminium profile). For vertical support for 1 column.

1 unit = screw M5 x 10 + nut M5 grove 8.


 Screw fixing kit for 4 columns vertical support


Fixing screws kit (For aluminium profile)

1 unit = screw M5 x 10 + nut M5 groove 8. 




Zanimam se za produkt:

Orgatex, Sysytembox, Dodatki

    V kolikor v vnosna polja vnesete vaše osebne podatke in kliknete gumb “POŠLJI”, bo podjetje OPL d.o.o. , vnesene podatke shranil in obdeloval za namene priprave odziva na vaše sporočilo. Več informacij o tem, kako podjetje OPL d.o.o. , obdeluje osebne podatke, si lahko preberete na strani Varovanje podatkov .

    Označite to polje, če se strinjate s tem, da vam lahko podjetje OPL d.o.o. , na vneseni elektronski naslov občasno pošilja tudi e-poštna sporočila. Svojo privolitev lahko kadarkoli prekličete prek povezave v vsakem e-poštnem sporočilu ali tako, da se obrnete na nas. Več o tem, kako obdelujemo vaše osebne podatke, si lahko preberete na strani Varovanje podatkov .

    Vaše podatke bomo uporabljali izključno za namen, za katerega smo pridobili vašo privolitev. Vaše osebne podatke bomo uporabljali zaupno in jih ne bomo posredovali tretjim osebam. Vašo zasebnost obravnavamo v skladu z določili GDPR in Zakonom o varstvu osebnih podatkov.

    Od prejemanja sporočil se lahko kadarkoli odjavite tako, da pošljete sporočilo na e-naslov: prodaja@opl.si z naslovom Odjava. Po obdelavi zahteve za odjavo vam bo podjetje, OPL d.o.o. , prenehal pošiljati vsebine, od katerih ste se odjavili. Podrobnosti o odjavi, obdelavi in varovanju osebnih podatkov si preberite na strani Varovanje podatkov .